
Yardening Videos By Jeff Ball

Jeff Ball, with his then wife Liz, created many Yardening videos in the 1980's and 1990's.  Many who have seen them find them very useful and have asked us if there were copies available in formats other than the original VHS cassettes.  We have just begun converting the videos to allow them to be viewed online and we will put links to the videos here. As the VHS format was limited in quality and the tapes we have are very old, the quality of the videos is not as high as we are used to these days, but we think you will still find them informative and helpful in your yardening efforts!

Yardening With Jeff Ball: How To Care For Your Lawn – complete lawn care from seeding or laying sod to lawn mowing techniques and long term care.

Yardening With Jeff Ball: How To Grow Warm-Weather Vegetables – complete vegetable growing guidance for the yardener, from seed selection to harvesting.

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